
2024-05-15 14:40:59 体育赛事 facai888



Let's warm up our bodies. 让我们热身一下。

Start with some light jogging. 从轻松慢跑开始。

Stretch your arms up high. 伸展你的双臂。

Touch your toes to stretch your legs. 用手触摸你的脚趾来拉伸双腿。

Ready, set, go! 准备,预备,跑!

Run faster! 跑得更快!

Jog slowly to cool down. 缓慢慢跑来降低体温。

Sprint to the finish line! 冲刺到终点!

Jump as high as you can. 尽可能跳得高一点。

Let's do some jumping jacks. 让我们做一些开合跳。

Try a long jump. 尝试跳远。

Count how many jumps you can do in one minute. 计算你能在一分钟内跳多少次。

Pass the ball to your teammate. 把球传给你的队友。

Shoot for the goal! 射门!

Dribble the ball around the cones. 在锥桶周围运球。

Catch the ball with both hands. 用双手接球。

Let's cool down with some gentle stretches. 让我们用一些轻柔的伸展来放松一下。

Take deep breaths and relax your body. 深呼吸,放松身体。

Shake out your arms and legs. 摇晃你的双臂和双腿。

Well done, everyone! 干得好,大家!
